The 2023 Ecco Echo Award

by the Classical Roman Arts Foundation

Classical Roman Arts Foundation (CRAF) is proud to announce the Third Edition of the Ecco Echo Awards, dedicated to echoing, celebrating and reverberating Classical  Roman arts. Its objective is recognition and appreciation of contemporary artists or  researchers who work in the tradition of, are inspired by or reflect on the Classical  Roman arts, techniques, styles and influences still amazing us today. 

The prize consists of 1,000.00 Euro [one thousand euro] for the acquisition of certain  rights – some or all – of one or more selected works. The awards go to the participant(s)  that are more creative and technically vibrant while representing, reinterpreting and  celebrating classical roman arts and techniques. Inspiration and reverberation are  equally cherished values. 

Two main categories will be considered: (a) physical pieces such as paintings,  sculptures, installations or constructs, and (b) digital works whether encapsulated in a  USB, a program, NTF or other electronic means. 

To participate, contenders must fill their application form (below) and also send it,  together with all visual material by email to Early  submissions will be accepted until January 31, 2023: we will happily work with the  

participants to support their creations by giving our opinion and allowing a second  submission. Final submissions, that is, the complete application material, will be  accepted until May 3, 2023, and the Awards will be granted by June 3, 2023. 

Below, candidates can access the Award Regulations and guidelines for submitting  applications. 

Ecco Echo Award Guidelines / The Application 

1. Ecco Echo is an acquisition award offered exclusively by the Classical Roman  Arts Foundation (the “Foundation” or “CRAF”). 

2. Ecco Echo Award means that CRAF will purchase certain rights – to be  negotiated – of the chosen Work(s) for up to Euro 1,000. Depending on the Work  and the Contestant’s vision, the Rights to Use it may be total or partial. In the  partial case, the Contestant will retain certain enumerated rights to the Work. 

3. The winning Work will be selected by the Foundation’s Board of Directors based  on technical, historical and thematic compatibility criteria. The Board has  absolute discretion over the selection process. 

4. By filing an Application, the Participant agrees to the terms and conditions set  forth in these Guidelines. 

5. Participants must be over eighteen years of age. No discrimination by nationality  or any other illegal or unethical basis shall be applied. However, Participants  must demonstrate that they have a particular connection to or with Rome. 

6. The Work must be the participant’s own work. Each Work encompasses the  Participant’s product and all supporting material. Participants are encouraged to  explain and elaborate on their work. Works will be admitted in the following  mediums:

A. Physical pieces such as paintings, drawings, engravings, sculptures,  statues or constructs; 

B. Digital works whether encapsulated in a USB, a program, NFT or other  electronic means. 

1. To participate in the award, it is not required to send the artwork to the  Foundation. Only certain candidates will be invited to send their artwork to the  Foundation. Candidates who are invited to send their work to CRAF will have a  deadline to deliver it and to pick it up. Material and artwork not retrieved by the  deadline will be deemed abandoned by the respective Participant and discarded  or otherwise disposed of. 

2. All works must reverberate from, be inspired by or refer to the Classical Roman  arts, techniques, styles and influences. 

3. By filing the Application, Participants agree that CRAF has all rights to use  images of their Work for publication and communication at CRAF’s sole  discretion, without compensation, as long as the use is not intended (a) to  damage their reputation as Artist or as member of their profession, or (b) for  profit. 

4. Early submissions will be accepted until January 31, 2023; we will happily work  with the participants to support their creations by giving our opinion and allowing  a second submission. The Work needs not be finished by then. The finished  Work must be submitted by May 3, 2023. 

5. Applicants may be contacted by members of the Board with inquiries and  suggestions. Applicants are free to accept or reject them. These contacts will be  confidential. In no way, they obligate the Board member to vote in favor or  against the granting of the Award to the Work contacted about. 

6. Applications must be done in two steps: 1) filling out and submitting the form  below; 2) sending an e-mail with the requested material (see also para. 14  below) in PDF and JPEG/TIF/MP4 formats (contact CRAF if you must use a  different format) to No physical works  are to be submitted with the Application. Only some physical works will be  required between May 3 and June 1, 2022. 

7. The Application -which must also be emailed- shall consist of: A. Candidate’s complete curriculum; 

B. Technical description of the work: As applicable, it must include  material, size, file size, duration, previous exhibitions (if any) and other  identificative, pertinent information. 

C. Critical description of the work: concept, theme, references. The critical  description must include the Participant’s thoughts on how the Work  relates to the objective of the Award. 

D. Explanation of how the Work is linked to a specific period, school, style  and other identifiers of the particular area the Work relates to. 

E. Photographs – still or moving – and representations of the Work to give  a full view: front, back, sides, top and bottom as necessary; Link to access  the visual materials are preferred. Reasonable-sized downloads will be  accepted.

1. The Work needs not be finished at Application. The Participant must send all  the requested materials as available and may update, supplement or alter them,  including the visual materials, by May 3, 2023. 

2. An Application shall be deemed accepted once the Participant fulfills all  requirements according to these Guidelines. 

3. Participants may apply only once per Work. They may apply for up to three  works. 

4. A group of Participants may apply together for one Work. A Participant who  belongs to a group may also apply separately for their own Work. 

5. Participants agree to provide proof of the accuracy of any submitted information  and material to the satisfaction of CRAF Board members. 

6. Participants agree to participate in the Award Exhibition, and other publicity and  public relations events, if invited by CRAF. 

7. Participants agree to bear all responsibility and costs associated with the  production, exhibition and associated activities of their Work. 

8. Participants grant to CRAF the reproduction rights over their submitted Work to  create a catalogue, archive the images, publicize the Work and the Award  events, display the Work at the Award Exhibition and elsewhere, publish as set  forth in para.9 above, and in any other related forms of communication.