Very few people realize just how closely tied the United States and the Virgin Islands (USVI), are. For example, as a U.S. territory, no passport is needed to visit any of the three main is-lands of St. John, St. Thomas, or St. Croix. Many have chosen to take advantage of this unique situation – transforming their lives as well as the local economy.
The Harlem Times sat down with businessman and entrepreneur Brian Montgomery to discuss his move to the Virgin islands, and how he is tying his future to its present and future potential.

What motivated your move to the USVI?
An opportunity to make a move to the islands and open a restaurant at the same time. I had a restaurant in the states out-side of DC for a little over 10 years and it seems like everyone’s dream is to open a beach bar in the Caribbean, so I took advantage of the opportunity and did it.
What was name of your restaurant in DC?
The Tortoise & Hare in Arlington, VA, where our motto was Hop In, Crawl Out!
What are your thoughts about your time spent here and red tape usually associated with opening up any business?