Honoring Dad On Father’s Day With Wonderful Inexpensive Gifts

Father’s Day received national holiday status back in 1966, when President Lyndon B. Johnson proclaimed the third Sunday in June as Father’s Day.  However, the third Sunday of June did not become the permanent date for Father’s Day until 1972.  According to the census data (January 2013), there were approximately 70.1 million father’s across the nation, and 176,000 stay-at-home dads (2011).  Father’s play a very critical role in the lives of their children as demonstrated in the following statement:

“Children with involved, loving fathers are significantly more likely to do well in school, have a healthy self-esteem, exhibit empathy and pro-social behavior, and avoid high risk behaviors including drug use, truancy, and criminal activity.” -fatherhood.gov

Acknowledging Dad on Father’s Day does not have to be expensive.  There are some wonderful ways to celebrate Dad while at the same time not breaking the piggy bank. Aside from neckties (the most common purchase made by consumers for Fathers), here are some great ideas for great gifts:
Dream Fund Savings Jar

There is probably something Dad has always wanted to do, but perhaps has not been able to pursue.  Create a container or jar with the name of the item or activity on it (i.e. a class he has wanted to take, a piece of equipment or electronics he has wanted to buy).  Start the dream fund jar with coins or bills so that Dad can work toward achieving that dream.

Sports Related Activities/Events

  • Perhaps Dad has always wanted to go to a sporting event or maybe you know of one coming up that he would like to attend.  The family can contribute to buying two tickets, one for Dad and a friend, or plan the day as a family event.
  • Give Dad a gift certificate to a Sports Bar where he can watch his favorite game with his friends, and grab a meal while cheering for his team.
  • Take Dad to the park to shoot some hoops, play baseball, tennis, racquetball, or any of his favorite sports.  If the family has Wii, engage Dad in a sporting event at home.  Challenge Dad to his favorite video game and let him just play for fun, okay maybe you can let him win a few (smile).
  • Buy Dad sports paraphernalia of his favorite team so he can display team pride and spirit while watching his team play.
  • Spend the evening with Dad watching a good movie and prepare his favorite snacks.
  • Let Dad enjoy his favorite sports at home with the guys and create a variety of snacks for them such as pizza, cocktail franks/pigs in the blanket, burger sliders, potato chips, tortilla chips and dip, veggie platter, chicken wings, mozzarella sticks, cupcakes, or any other combination of his favorite snacks.

Car/Motorcycle-Most Likely Dad’s Pride and Joy

  • Wash Dad’s car or motorcycle for him.  Give his car or motorcycle that extra special touch of wax, and on his car vacuuming the interior and adding a new air freshener.  Don’t forget to shine up the wheels as well.

Food Related Activities

  • Take Dad out to his favorite restaurant.  Some restaurants may offer Dad a free meal or have meal deal specials to commemorate the day.
  • Instead of taking Dad out and fighting with the crowds, the family can cook his favorite meal.  The day can start with breakfast in bed.  Dad can lounge around all day. Then dinner can be served up with all his meal favorites.

Other Gift Ideas!

  • Buy Dad a gift certificate to his favorite book or music store, or if you already know what book he wants to read or CD he’s been wanting to listen to, buy it for him, and present it to him wrapped and decorated.
  • Purchase a subscription to a magazine that Dad has always wanted or think of a hobby he enjoys- sports, fishing, cars, cooking, business, men’s magazines related to fashion or health, whatever magazine fits with his interest.
  • Create a gift basket for Dad of all his favorite toiletry or body care products.  What a wonderful way for Dad to know he is #1 and encourage him to destress and relax.

Utilize the lists of gift ideas or activities presented above, or be creative and come up with your own special gift package.  Celebrating Father’s Day should not be financially stressful.  Let’s honor fathers all over the world for all the wonderful things that they do in providing for their families.