
Marijuana: The Political Irony of Illicit Drugs

Marijuana is pervasively known in two strains; Sativa and Indica. Sativa grows tall and slender in hot countries in and around the equator, it’s predominantly over 6ft tall and suited for outdoors. Indica grows short and wide and flourishes in higher altitudes, its shorter growth spans is suited for indoor cultivation. There’s a contrasting experience […]

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Legalize Marijuana? Pros and Cons

Excessive use of alcohol, tobacco and marijuana can be devastatingly harmful—physically, socially, spiritually. If any easy, painless way could be found to banish them from the face of the earth, mankind would be the better for it. Unfortunately, we don’t know how. And all past efforts to deal with the problem—from the most severe to

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Philanthropy vs Charity: America’s “Third Sector”

International House is an example of American philanthropy at its best. It provides an important service that the free market cannot provide as inexpensively and that government cannot or will not. And it provides that service competently and imaginatively for over 700 scholars from 100 countries who could not find it elsewhere. Many Americans feel

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Capitalism Today: Triumphs & Challenges
By Daniel Rose

| By Daniel Rose | Maurice Chevalier, the celebrated French entertainer, was asked on his 75th birthday his thoughts on reaching that advanced age. He replied, “I think it’s great, considering the alternative.”  Capitalism, too—the most productive economic system known—is preferable to the alternatives.  And unlike death, its excesses can be mitigated. Ever since Adam

Capitalism Today: Triumphs & Challenges
By Daniel Rose
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